John Dingliana Assistant Professor (Computer Science)


John Dingliana  (Ph.D., B.Sc.(Hons.))

 Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Graphics and Vision Lab [GV2]
School of Computer Science and Statistics [SCSS]
Trinity College Dublin [TCD]
Location: 02-014 Stack B, Custom's House Quay [MAP]  
Phone: (+3531) 896 3680  
Email: John.Dingliana AT



Research Interests

Research Projects

[2022-2025] TransMIXR : Ignite the Immersive Media Sector by Enabling New Narrative Visions [CONSORTIUM PAGE|LOCAL PAGE]

[2022-2026] Life in the Currents
FUNDING SOURCE: Prendergast Challenge-Based Mutli-Disciplinary Project Awards. ROLE: Co-PI

[2021-] ADAPT Phase 2: SFI Research Centre for AI-driven Digital Content Technology [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: SFI Research Centres. ROLE: Funded Investigator

[2019-2027] D-REAL: SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Centre for Research Training. ROLE: Collaborator

[2019-2027] CRT-AI: SFI Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Centre for Research Training. ROLE: Collaborator

[2020-2024] Style-Independent Pose/View Classification for Traditional Animation
FUNDING SOURCE: IRCSET Employment-based PhD, in collaboration with Cartoon Saloon. ROLE: Co-supervisor

[2019-2022] Creating the Bionic Man: Development of a "neural training suit" to assist individuals with sensorimotor impairments. FUNDING SOURCE: DBEI Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund. ROLE: Collaborator

[2020-2021] 3D CRAFT UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: IRC & UKRI AHRC Digital Humanities Networking call. ROLE: Co-Investigator

[2014-2019] ADAPT: SFI Centre for Next Generation Content [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: SFI Research Centres. ROLE: Collaborator

[2014-2019] ARTIVVIS: Real-time Time Variant Visualisation [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: SFI Investigators Programme. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2015-2016] INFOCARVE: Focus-and-Context Augmented Reality Visualisation [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: SFI TIDA. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2012-2014] Inside Joycean Dublin [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: misc. ROLE: Collaborator

[2011-2015] Analysing the Imagery of The Book of Kells
FUNDING SOURCE: TCD Innovation Bursary in collaboration with History of Art Department. ROLE: Co-PI

[2011-2014] VERVE: Vanquishing fear and apathy through e-inclusion: personalised and populated realistic virtual environments for clinical, home and mobile platforms [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: EU FP7 Collaborative Project. ROLE: Deputy Co-ordinator | Co-PI

[2011] Dynamic Visualisation of Energy Data
FUNDING SOURCE: Enterprise Ireland (EI) Innovation Voucher - Tictoc Platforms Ltd. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2010] IQ/EQ Brain-training Game
FUNDING SOURCE: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher - Neurosynergy Games. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2010-2014] Illustrative Visualisation of Volume Data
FUNDING SOURCE: PhD student funded by TCD Postgraduate Scholarship. ROLE: Principal Investigator/Supervisor

[2008] Perceptually Optimised Rendering for Interactive 3D Visualisation [URL]
FUNDING SOURCE: SFI-Research Frontiers. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2007-2010] Perceptually Optimised Interactive Large-scale Visualization
FUNDING SOURCE: IRCSET PhD Studentship co-funded by Intel Ireland. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2006-2009] Interactive 3D Authoring and Non-Photo-realistically Rendered Interfaces
FUNDING SOURCE: IRCSET PhD Studentship. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2006-2009] Real-time Non-photorealistic Rendering
FUNDING SOURCE: PhD student funded by TCD Postgraduate Scholarship -. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[2002-2006] IITAC2 - Institute for Information Technology and Advanced Computation : Program for research in Graphics and Visualization FUNDING SOURCE: HEA PRTLI. ROLE: Collaborator

[2000-2002] Real-time Adaptive Animation Techniques
FUNDING SOURCE: Enterprise Ireland. ROLE: Collaborator

[2000] Non-photorealistic animation and rendering for real-time interactive virtual environments
FUNDING SOURCE: TCD Startup Lecturer's Grant. ROLE: Principal Investigator

[1998-2000] Time-Critical Adaptive Techniques for Perceptually Sensitive Real-time Animation

Programme Committee, Conference organisation, Editorial Activities, etc.

  • General Chair - International Conference on Artificial Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 2023, Dublin, Ireland. [URL]
  • Chair of the EUROGRAPHICS Irish Chapter (2014-present) [URL]
  • International Programme Committee Service
    • Expressive - Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics (CAe), Sketch-based Interfaces & Modelling (SBIM) and Non-photorealistic Animation & Rendering (NPAR) 2013 - 2019
    • Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) 2011 - 2012
    • Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPhys) 2008 - 2019
    • International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG) 2007 - 2019
    • International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Graphics Theory & Applications (GRAPP) 2007 - 2019
    • International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2006 - 2019
    • Annual Conference of Swedish Chapter of Eurographics (SIGRAD) 2015 - 2016
    • Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG) 2012
    • Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference (iHCI) 2010-2011
  • Journal Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Wiley - Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) , IEEE Spectrum, Elsevier - Computers & Graphics (CAG), International Journal of Interactive Worlds (IJIW) , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Journal , Springer - Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (FIT&EE)
  • Conference Reviewer:
    • VRST, ACM SIGGRAPH; Eurographics Annual Conference, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, Pacific Graphics, Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), ISVC, VRIPHYS, Information Visualization , Computer Graphics Animation & Games, IEEE 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) , Eurographics-Ireland , iHCI , ACM Web3D Symposium
  • Co-Chair, VRIPhys'07: 4th International Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations 2007, Dublin, Ireland [Poster]
  • Co-ordinator for the EUROGRAPHICS stand at Siggraph 2007-08
  • Co-Chair, Eurographics 2005 Short Presentations Programme, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Co-organizer, Surgery Simulations Track, ISVC 2005, Lake Tahoe Nevada, US
  • Programme Committee Coordinator / Editor, EG Ireland Workshop 2001, Dublin, Ireland


Teaching and Administrative Activities

Modules Taught

  • [2017-25] CS7DS4 Data Visualization for MSc in Computer Science
  • [2016-18, 2020-25] CS7029a: Visual Computing for the MSc in Interactive Digital Media
  • [2012-15] CS7038: IET Team Project for the MSc in Interactive Entertainment Technology
  • [2012-13] CS7029: Image Processing and 3D Modelling for the MSc in Interactive Digital Media
  • [2010-12] CS7055: Realtime Rendering for the MSc in Interactive Entertainment Technology degree
  • [2005-10] CS7029 (aka mm112, mm105): Image Processing and 3D Modelling for the MSc in Interactive Digital Media
  • [2007] CS4: Introduction to Computer Graphics for the BSc Computer Science Evening Degree
  • [1999-2003] CS5: Computer Graphics for BSc Computer Science evening degree
  • [1999-2005] 3D4: Computer Aided Design I, to JS BAI Engineering and JS/SS Maths Students

Administrative Roles

  • Course Co-Director for Admissions - MSc. in Computer Science, from September 2021 - present
  • Course Director - MSc. in Computer Science, from July 2019 - August 2021
  • Associate Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning (Responsible for all Taught Postgraduate Programmes in the School) - School of Computer Science and Statistics, TCD, from 2017-2019
  • Course Director - MSc. in Interactive Entertainment Technology from 2008 - 2014
  • SCSS Research Ethics Committee Member. 2013 - 2015
  • Course Committee Member - MSc in Computer Science (Interactive Entertainment Technology). 2014 - 2017
  • Course Committee Member - MSc in Interactive Digital Media from 2009 -
  • Thesis External Examiner: 1 PhD and 2 MSc
  • Thesis Internal Examiner: 18 PhD and 4 MSc
  • SCSS Postgraduate Appeals Committee
  • Erasmus Co-ordinator for the Computer Science Dept. from 2006-09


Overview: 11 completed PhD students (9 as principal supervisor, 2 as co-supervisor), 5 Current PhD Students, 11 Postdocs, 8 Research Assistants, 2 MSc Research Students, 50+ MSc Dissertations, 30+ Undergraduate Final Year Projects.

PhD Research Students, Currently Supervised:

  • Xuyu Li (2023-Present)
  • Yinghan Xu (2023-Present)
  • Priyansh Jalan (2021-Present)
  • Elea Thuilier (2021-Present, Co-supervised with Attracta Brennan (NUIG))
  • Rachael Schwartz (2020-Present, Co-supervised with Rachel McDonnell)
  • Chun Wei Ooi (2019-Present, D-REAL PhD Program): Interaction in Augmented Reality

PhD Research Students, completed:

  • Kieran Nolan (2012-2019, Digital Arts and humanities PhD Program): Natural Interface Design, Video Games and Human Computer Interaction
  • Salaheddin Alakkari (2015-2019, Perceptual optimization of time-variant volume rendering
  • Pisut Wisessing (2015-2020, Co-supervised with Rachel McDonnell), Engaging Virtual Avatars
  • Rowan Hughes (2010-2016): Modelling Plausible Steering Behaviours or Autonomous Virtual Humans in Complex Environments
  • Shengzhou Luo (2010-2015): Transfer Function Optimization for Volume Visualization Based on Visibility and Saliency
  • Sayandeep Purkayasth (PhD 2015, Co-supervised with Prof. Roger Stalley | Dr. Laura Cleaver): Analysis of style and design in the Book of Kells
  • Cormac O'Brien (PhD 2013, Co-supervised with Dr. Steven Collins): Planning and Adaptation of Virtual Human Character Motion
  • Andrew Corcoran (PhD 2013): Enhancing Real-Time Focus and Context Direct Volume Rendering
  • Fintan McGee (PhD 2013): Visualising Small World Graphs using Agglomerative Clustering Around Nodes of Interest []
  • Bartosz Fabianowski (PhD 2011): Interactive Many-core Photon Mapping [url | thesis]
  • Niall Redmond (PhD 2011): Influencing User Perception Using Real-Time Adaptive Abstraction [thesis]

Masters and Final Year Students Currently Supervised (and working titles of dissertations)

  • 2024-25 Indigo Bosworth (Integrated Masters in Computer Science) - Stylising Augmented Reality for Seamless Integration
  • 2024-25 Michael Millard (MSc in Computer Science - Augmented and Virtual Reality) - Volumetric Video Capture
  • 2024-25 Jiayi Ouyang (MSc in Computer Science - Augmented and Virtual Reality) - Volumetric Video Editing
  • 2024-25 Gowtham Rajarathinam (MSc in Computer Science - Augmented and Virtual Reality) Stylised Augmented Reality
  • 2024-25 Vishaalini Ramasamy Manikandan (MSc in Computer Science - Data Science) - Unvisualising Data
  • 2024-25 Timon Sommer (MSc in Computer Science - Augmented and Virtual Reality) - Volumetric Video Gallery

Publications and Presentations

[Accepted for publication in Dec. 2024] Tangible Authoring of Embedded-Object Visualizations in Mixed Reality. , and . In VINCI '24 - the 17th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction - Art Papers. . [bib]
[Accepted for publication in Nov. 2024] A Tangible Interface for Creating Virtual Cutaways in Mixed Reality. , and . In 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024. . [bib]
CrowdSplat: Exploring Gaussian Splatting For Crowd Rendering (poster). , , and . Poster presented at tge ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2024. . [bib]
CrowdSplat: Exploring Gaussian Splatting For Crowd Rendering (short paper). , , and . In IMVIP 2024: 26th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference. . [bib]
Augmented reality exergames training for osteoporosis patients to improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength and engagement. , , , , , and . In World Congress in Virtual Rehabilitation - XR4Rehab Posters. . [bib]
Auto-summarization of Human Volumetric Videos. , and . In Video4IMX: International Workshop on Video for Immersive Experiences at the ACM Interactive Media Experience Conference (IMX 2024). . [bib]
Twinenet: coupling features for synthesizing volume rendered images via convolutional encoder–decoders and multilayer perceptrons. , , , , , and . In The Visual Computer. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Virtual rehabilitation for patients with osteoporosis or other musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review. . In Virtual Reality. volume 28. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Towards Optimizing Spatial Perception of Embedded-Object Visualizations in Optical See-Through Mixed Reality. , and . In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2024. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Directed Views in Virtual Reality: A Semantic Approach to Volumetric Video Storytelling. , , and . In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2024. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Virtual Rehabilitation for Patients with Osteoporosis: Translating Physiotherapy Exercises into Exergames. In IMVIP 2023 - Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2023. Zenodo. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Interactive X-Ray Vision Mediated Reality. and . In ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos (Abey Campbell, Claudia Krogmeier, Gareth Young, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [doi]
TangibleMRCreate: Intuitive Authoring of Mixed Reality Content. and . In ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos (Abey Campbell, Claudia Krogmeier, Gareth Young, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [doi]
Augmented Reality Rehabilitation for People with Osteoporosis: Squat exergame (a demo). , , , , , and . In ICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos (Abey Campbell, Claudia Krogmeier, Gareth Young, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [doi]
Color LightField: Estimation Of View-Point Dependant Color Dispersion In Waveguide Display. and . In SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Posters. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Perceptually Enhanced Shadows for OST AR. and . In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Enlighten Me: Importance of Brightness and Shadow for Character Emotion and Appeal. , , , and . In ACM Trans. Graph.. Association for Computing Machinery. volume 39. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Transfer Function Refinement for Exploring Volume Data. and . Chapter in Contemporary Topics in Computer Graphics and Games : Selected Papers from the Eurasia Graphics Conference Series (Veysi Isler, Hasmet Gurcay, Hasan Kemal Suher, Guven Catak, eds.). Peter Lang. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Colored Cast Shadows for Improved Visibility in Optical See-Through AR. and . In SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Posters. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Perceptually Optimized Color Maps for Visualizing Large Numbers of Features. and . In Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP). IEEE. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Abstract PM171 Cross-model perception in synaesthetes during Art and Music practices. , and . In Brain and Neuroscience Advances. Sage. volume 3. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Modelling Large Scale Datasets Using Partitioning-Based PCA. and . In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
An Acceleration Scheme for Mini-batch, Streaming PCA. CODE FOR BMVC PAPER. and . In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). . [bib] [url]
An Acceleration Scheme for Mini-batch, Streaming PCA. and . In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). . [bib] [pdf]
A Perceptually Optimized Color Selection Technique for Visualization. and . In IEEE Visualization Posters. . [bib] [pdf]
A Multi-View Image-Based Volume Visualization Technique. and . In IEEE Visualization Posters. . [bib] [pdf]
An Acceleration Scheme for Memory Limited, Streaming PCA. and . arXiv:1807.06530 [stat.ML]. . [bib] [url]
A Survey of Client-Server Volume Visualization Techniques. and . Technical report, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin. . [bib] [pdf]
An accelerated online PCA with O (1) complexity for learning molecular dynamics data. and . In Proceedings of the Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (Jan Byska, Michael Krone, Bjarn Sommer, eds.). . [bib] [url] [doi]
Intuitive Transfer Function Editing Using Relative Visibility Histograms. , and . In Journal of WSCG. volume 26. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Principal Component Analysis Techniques for Visualization of Volumetric Data. and . Chapter in Advances in Principal Component Analysis (Naik, G., ed.). Springer, Singapore. . [bib] [doi]
Intuitive Transfer Function Editing Using Relative Visibility Histograms. and . In IEEE Visualization Posters. . [bib] [url]
Transfer Function Optimization Based on a Combined Model of Visibility and Saliency. and . In Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Adaptive PCA for Time-Varying Data. and . . [bib] [url]
Infocarve: A Framework for Volume Visualization on Commodity Augmented Reality Displays. and . In 2016 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV). . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Perception of lighting and shading for animated virtual characters. , and . In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Volume visualization using principal component analysis. and . In Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Volume Rendering Using Principal Component Analysis. and . In EG / VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) Posters. . [bib] [url] [doi]
DAVIS: density-adaptive synthetic-vision based steering for virtual crowds. , and . In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Temporal Coherence Predictor for Time Varying Volume Data Based on Perceptual Functions. , and . In International Symposium on Vision, Modelling and Visualisation (VMV). . [bib] [pdf]
Selective Saturation and Brightness for Visualizing Time Varying Volume Data. and . In Proceedings of the EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) Posters. . [bib] [url]
Visibility-Weighted Saliency for Volume Visualization. and . In Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC) (Rita Borgo, Cagatay Turkay, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Transfer Function Refinement for Exploring Volume Data. and . In Proceedings of Eurasia Graphics. . [bib] [pdf]
A new approach to analysis of interlace in the Book of Kells. , , and . In Virtual Cultural Heritage Ireland. . [bib] [url]
Information-Guided Transfer Function Refinement. and . In Eurographics 2014 - Short Papers (Eric Galin, Michael Wand, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [doi]
Holonomic Collision Avoidance for Virtual Crowds. , and . In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. Eurographics Association. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Experiment-based Modelling and Simulation of Holonomic Collision Avoidance Strategies for Virtual Humans. and . In Motion in Games Posters. . [bib] [url]
Computer-Assisted Repurposing of Existing Animations. and . Chapter in Image and Video-Based Artistic Stylisation (Paul Rosin, John Collomosse, eds.). Springer, London. volume 42. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Real-Time Illumination for Two-Level Volume Rendering. and . In 8th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC). . [bib] [url] [doi]
An empirical study on the impact of edge bundling on user comprehension of graphs. and . In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. . [bib]
Image space adaptive volume rendering. and . In Visualization and Data Analysis 2012. volume 8294. . [bib]
Visualising small world graphs: agglomerative clustering of small world graphs around nodes of interest. and . In International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (Paul Richard, Martin Kraus, Robert S. Laramee, José Braz, eds.). SciTePress. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Investigating the style and art forms in the book of kells. , and . In Poster Abstracts of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imagine (CAe). . [bib] [pdf]
Spacetime vertex constraints for dynamically-based adaptation of motion-captured animation. , and . In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. . [bib] [doi]
Time-Critical Ray-Cast Direct Volume Rendering (TCDCS-2011-13). and . Technical report, Technical Reports, Shcool og Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin. . [bib] [pdf]
An Evaluation of the use of Clustering Coefficient as a Heuristic for the Visualisation of Small World Graphs. and . In Proceedings of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics (TPCG) (John Collomosse, Ian Grimstead, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [doi]
Adding depth to cartoons using sparse depth (in) equalities. , , , and . In . volume 29. . [bib] [html] [doi]
Influencing User Perception Using Real-Time Adaptive Abstraction. . PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin. . [bib]
Evaluating the Stylistic Enhancement of Two-level Volume Rendering. , and . In Poster Abstracts of the International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging,. . [bib]
Perceptually Optimised Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Biological and Medical Volume Data. , and . In The second Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, Leipzig, Germany, July 1-2. . [bib]
Perceptual enhancement of two-level volume rendering. , and . In Computers & Graphics. Pergamon Press. volume 34. . [bib] [url] [doi]
As-rigid-as-possible image registration for hand-drawn cartoon animations. , and . In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
LazyBrush: Flexible Painting Tool for Hand-drawn Cartoons. , and . In Computer Graphics Forum. volume 28. . [bib] [html] [doi]
Influencing User Attention Using Real-Time Stylised Rendering. and . In Proceedings of the Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics Conference (TPCG). . [bib] [pdf]
A hybrid approach to real-time abstraction. and . In Proceedings of Eurographics Ireland. volume 2009. . [bib]
Interactive global photon mapping. and . In Proceeding of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR). . [bib] [pdf]
Compact BVH storage for ray tracing and photon mapping. and . In Proc. of Eurographics Ireland Workshop. . [bib] [pdf]
A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins. , and . In Eurographics 2009 - Short Papers (P. Alliez, M. Magnor, eds.). The Eurographics Association. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Interactive Global Photon Mapping. and . In Computer Graphics Forum. volume 28. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Investigating the Effect of Real-Time Stylisation Techniques on User Task Performance. and . In Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [doi]
A hybrid technique for creating meaningful abstractions of dynamic 3d scenes in real-time. and . In Proceedings of WSCG'08, The International Conference in Eastern Europe on Computer Graphics, Vision and Visualisation. Václav Skala-UNION Agency. . [bib] [pdf]
Hardware Accelerated Broad Phase Collision Detection for Interactive Entertainment Applications. . Irish Graduate Student Symposium on Vision, Graphics and Visualisation (VGV08). . [bib] [pdf]
Perceptual evaluation of cartoon physics: accuracy, attention, appeal. , and . In Proceedings of the 5th symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Sketching complex generalized cylinder spines. and . In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International. . [bib] [pdf]
Evaluation of Non-Photorealistic Abstraction Techniques in Influencing User Behaviour. and . In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Acceleration techniques applied to non-photorealistic visualisation of polygonal models. and . In Proceedings of the Eurographics Irish Chapter Workshop. . [bib]
Hardware accelerated broad phase collision detection for realtime simulations. and . In 4th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations (VRIPHYS). Eurographics Association. . [bib] [url] [doi]
Adaptive Abstraction of 3D Scenes in Realtime. and . In European Association for Computer Graphics (EUROGRAPHICS) Short Papers. Eurographics Association. . [bib] [url]
A Physically Based Deformation Model for Interactive Cartoon Animation.. , and . In VRIPHYS. . [bib]
Toward 3D Selection and Skeleton Construction by Sketching. and . In Eurographics Ireland Workshop. . [bib]
Proceedings of the workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations (VRIPhys). (John Dingliana, Fabio Ganovelli, eds.). Eurographics Association. . [bib]
A Scalable and Reconfigurable Shared-Memory Graphics Cluster Architecture. , , , and . In ERSA. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
A Survey of Stylisation in Computer Animation. . In Eurographics Irish Chapter Annual Workshop (C. Noonan, ed.). . [bib]
Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS 2005 Short Presentations. (Dingliana, J., Ganovelli, F., eds.). Eurographics Association and the Image Synthesis Group, TCD. . [bib] [doi]
A Voxel-Based Approach to Approximate Collision Handling. and . In Journal of Graphics Tools. Taylor & Francis. volume 10. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Evaluating the Visual Fidelity of Physically Based Animations. , , and . In SIGGRAPH Annual Conference. Association for Computing Machinery. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Evaluating the Visual Fidelity of Physically Based Animations. , , and . In ACM Trans. Graph.. Association for Computing Machinery. volume 22. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Eye-movements and interactive graphics. , and . Chapter in The Mind's Eye. North-Holland. . [bib] [pdf]
Adaptive levels of detail for interactive collision handling. . PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin. . [bib]
Levels of detail for crowds and groups. , , , , , , and . In Computer Graphics Forum. volume 21. . [bib]
Crowd and group simulation with levels of detail for geometry, motion and behavior. , , , , , , and . In Third Irish Workshop on Computer Graphics. . [bib] [url]
Proceedings of the Annual Workshop of the Irish Chapter of The European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics Ireland). (Dingliana, J. McNamara, A., O'Sullivan C., eds.). . [bib]
Collisions and Perception. and . In ACM Trans. Graph.. Association for Computing Machinery. volume 20. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Real vs. approximate collisions: When can we tell the difference. and . In SIGGRAPH Sketches. . [bib] [pdf]
Collision Handling for Virtual Environments. , , and . In Eurographics 2001 Tutorials. . [bib]
Levels of Detail in Physically-based Real-time Animation. and . In ERCIM News (special issue on computer graphics and visualization). volume 24. . [bib]
Collisions and adaptive levels of detail. and . In SIGGRAPH Sketches. . [bib] [pdf]
Level of Detail Control for Real-time Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality: Applications of Eye-tracking. . In First Irish Workshop on Eye-Tracking: Book of Abstracts (O'Sullivan, C., Moran, A., eds.). . [bib]
Buckettree: Improving collision detection between deformable objects. , and . In Proc. of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG'00. volume 11. . [bib]
Graceful Degradation of Collision Handling Physically Based Animation. and . In . volume 19. . [bib] [pdf] [doi]
Real-Time Collision Detection and Response Using Sphere-Trees. and . In Proceedings of the Spring Conference in Computer Graphics. . [bib]
Webmaster: John.Dingliana AT
Copyright © 2016 John Dingliana