Mohamed Suliman



I work at IBM as a Pre-Doctorate Student with the AI Security and Privacy team.

Dec 2022 – Present

PRM Assist
I worked as the lead software architect for the aviation startup PRM Assist. I led a team of 3 developers working to improve the airport experience for Passengers with Reduced Mobility.

Sep 2021 – Dec 2022 (Part-time)


PhD Computer Science
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin,

Sep 2021 – Present

BA (Mod) Computer Science - First Class Honours
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin,

Sep 2017 – May 2021


The Ludgate Prize

This prize was instituted in 1991 in memory of Percy E. Ludgate, an Irish designer of an analytical engine. It is awarded to the student who submits the best project in Year 4 of the moderatorship in computer science. You can read it here.

Available here is an article in the Irish Times about Percy Ludgate (and me…)