Professional Activities

Research projects

  • I am a funded investigator in the SFI Adapt and Lero research centres.
  • I am principal supervisor for a Microsoft Research PhD studentship on Conversational User Interfaces for Mental Health.
  • I am a supervisor in the SFI D-Real Centre for Research Training in Digitally Enhanced Reality.
  • I am a supervisor in the SFI Advance Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies.
  • (Completed) I’m part of the AffecTech Marie Curie ITN on Personal Technologies for Affective Health, 2017-2020.
  • (Completed) I was Principal Investigator for Technology Enhanced Therapy, a partnership between TCD, the National Digital Research Centre and ParentsPlus, leading to the formation of Silvercloud Health. We have a description of related research on the Technology in Mental Health page.
  • (Completed) P.I for TCD in the WHAAM project for ADHD monitoring as part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.
  • (Completed) Interaction Design component (SF.1) of the SFI CSET on Next Generation Localisation , working with Dr. Saturnino Luz.
  • (Completed) P.I. for ManyCore project – Information visualization for the performance optimization of multicore programs, with Lero@TCD and IBM research, working with Dr. David Gregg.
  • (Completed) “An integrated software framework for mental health applications”, supported by Enterprise Ireland.
  • (Completed) Designing decision support for complex work environments (supported by Intel Ireland).
  • (Completed) Virtually Healthy (supported by the HEA)
  • (Completed) Mobile Decision Support for the Healthcare Environment (IRCSET/Intel Enterprise Partnership).
  • (Completed) I was a collaborator on the Inspire Ireland project “Minding our mental health online”, funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention.


Proposal reviewing

  • Proposal reviewer for ERC.
  • Proposal reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
  • Proposal reviewer for Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research.
  • Assessment panel for EPSRC GetaMoveOn funding call.
  • Proposal reviewer for EPSRC (UK).
  • Proposal reviewer for NIHR (UK).
  • Proposal reviewer for MRC (UK).
  • Proposal reviewer for Health Research Council (NZ).
  • Proposal reviewer for NSERC (Canada).
  • Proposal reviewer for Dutch Research Council (NWO).
  • Proposal reviewer for Research and Innovation Foundation, Cyprus.
  • Proof of concept panel for Enterprise Ireland.
  • Judge for ACM student chapter excellence awards.


Service within College

  • I am chair of the SCSS Research Ethics Committee (our ethics review board).
  • Member of FEMS Ethics Committee.
  • FEMS Faculty representative, TCD Web Governance Committee.
  • I am research representative on the School Administration Committee.
  • I was Postgraduate Demonstration Co-ordinator for a number of years, allocating and dealing with all labaratory and tutorial demonstrators and teaching assistants. I wrote an online system to streamline the process after taking over this job.
  • I am on the steering committee for the IDS TILDA multimedia project, looking at disseminating the results of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the TILDA project.

Service for other Universities

  • External Course Examiner, University College Cork, Ireland.
  • External PhD examiner, University College London, UK.
  • External PhD examiner, University of Newcastle, UK.
  • External PhD examiner, Swansea University, UK.
  • External PhD examiner, University of Glasgow, UK.
  • External PhD examiner, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • External selection committee (academic appointment), University College Cork.
  • External member of PhD supervision panel, University College Galway.
  • External M.Sc. examiner, University College Dublin.