Research projects
- I am a funded investigator in the SFI Adapt and Lero research centres.
- I am principal supervisor for a Microsoft Research PhD studentship on Conversational User Interfaces for Mental Health.
- I am a supervisor in the SFI D-Real Centre for Research Training in Digitally Enhanced Reality.
- I am a supervisor in the SFI Advance Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies.
- (Completed) I’m part of the AffecTech Marie Curie ITN on Personal Technologies for Affective Health, 2017-2020.
- (Completed) I was Principal Investigator for Technology Enhanced Therapy, a partnership between TCD, the National Digital Research Centre and ParentsPlus, leading to the formation of Silvercloud Health. We have a description of related research on the Technology in Mental Health page.
- (Completed) P.I for TCD in the WHAAM project for ADHD monitoring as part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme.
- (Completed) Interaction Design component (SF.1) of the SFI CSET on Next Generation Localisation , working with Dr. Saturnino Luz.
- (Completed) P.I. for ManyCore project – Information visualization for the performance optimization of multicore programs, with Lero@TCD and IBM research, working with Dr. David Gregg.
- (Completed) “An integrated software framework for mental health applications”, supported by Enterprise Ireland.
- (Completed) Designing decision support for complex work environments (supported by Intel Ireland).
- (Completed) Virtually Healthy (supported by the HEA)
- (Completed) Mobile Decision Support for the Healthcare Environment (IRCSET/Intel Enterprise Partnership).
- (Completed) I was a collaborator on the Inspire Ireland project “Minding our mental health online”, funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention.
- I am chair of the ACM Distinguished Speaker Committee.
- I am a national representative on Technical Committee TC13 on Human-Computer Interaction of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
- I am a Distinguished Member of the ACM, for Outstanding Scientific Contributions to Computing.
- I am a member of the Academic Council for the Learnovate Centre.
- I served as a member of the ACM Council of European Chapter Leaders.
- I was a member of IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 on User Interface engineering for many years.
- I am a former chair of the Irish chapter of ACM SIGCHI.
- I am on the editorial board of International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
- Past chair, SIGCHI community for Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS).
- Served on editorial review board of the International Journal of Mobile HCI for several years.
- Served on steering committee of the ACM EICS conference.
- Steering committee of the Irish HCI conference.
- Charter member, ISRII.
Proposal reviewing
- Proposal reviewer for ERC.
- Proposal reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
- Proposal reviewer for Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research.
- Assessment panel for EPSRC GetaMoveOn funding call.
- Proposal reviewer for EPSRC (UK).
- Proposal reviewer for NIHR (UK).
- Proposal reviewer for MRC (UK).
- Proposal reviewer for Health Research Council (NZ).
- Proposal reviewer for NSERC (Canada).
- Proposal reviewer for Dutch Research Council (NWO).
- Proposal reviewer for Research and Innovation Foundation, Cyprus.
- Proof of concept panel for Enterprise Ireland.
- Judge for ACM student chapter excellence awards.
- Health Subcommittee Chair, CHI 2022 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Health Subcommittee Chair, CHI 2021 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Workshops Chair, ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS), 2021.
- Associate Chair, CHI 2020 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Co-Organiser ACII 2019 Workshop on Machine Learning in Mental Health.
- Associate Chair, CHI 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Technical Program Committee, PervasiveHealth 2018.
- Steering Committee for Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care (WISH 2017@AMIA).
- Associate Chair, CHI 2017 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- Unified Jury, SIGGRAPH 2016.
- Associate Chair, CHI 2016 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems .
- IEEE CBMS 2016, Program Committee.
- Associate Chair, ACM EICS 2015.
- Pervasive Health 2013, Technical Program Committee member.
- ACM CHI 2013 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Associate Chair for Papers/Notes (Specific Application Areas).
- Co-organizer for ACM EICS Workshop on Dynamic And Continuous Computer-Human Interaction .
- HCI Fieldwork in Healthcare (CHI 2013 Workshop), Programme Committee.
- ACM EICS 2012 Conference, Tutorials co-chair.
- ACM CHI 2012 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Associate Chair for Papers/Notes (Specific Application Areas).
- Design for wellbeing (DIS 2012 Workshop), Review Panel.
- ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Associate Chair for Papers/Notes (Specific Application Areas).
- Interact 2011 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Associate Chair for full papers.
- ACM EICS 2011 Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems , Associate Chair.
- European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2011, Program Committee.
- Engineering Interactive Computing Systems for Medicine and Health Care, Programme Committee.
- Visual Interfaces to the Social and Semantic Web (VISSW 2011) (PC member).
- ACM EICS 2010 Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing systems, Co-chair, Late breaking results, and PC member.
- ACM CHI 2010 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Associate Chair for Papers/Notes (Specific Application Areas).
- 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2010), Associate Chair.
- ECCE 2010 – European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, PC member.
- ECCE 2010 Workshop on Caring Technology for the Future , Co-organizer.
- IEEE CMBS 2010 track on Supporting Collaboration among Healthcare Workers (PC member).
- Guest editor of Interacting with Computers Special Issue on Technology in Mental Health, with Tim Bickmore.
- Panel for International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Special Issue on Designing for Reflection on Personal Experience
- Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2009 (ACM SIGCHI Symposium) (PC member).
- Formal Methods for Interactive Systems 2009 (PC member)
- Ontologies in Distributed and Interactive Systems 2009 (PC member).
- CBMS 2009 Special Track on Sharing Knowledge and Expertise (PC member).
- Irish HCI conference in 2009, co-chair with Aaron Quigley.
- Irish HCI Conference 2008 (PC member).
- Workshop on Ontologies in Interactive Systems 2008 (PC member).
- ACM CHI 2008 Workshop on Technology in Mental Health (Chair/Organizer).
- DSV-IS 2008 – Interactive Systems, Design Specification and Verification (PC member)
- Human-Centred Software Engineering 2008 (PC member)
- Interact 2007 (full papers PC member)
- FMIS 2007 (PC member)
- Engineering Interactive Systems 2007 (PC member)
- DSV-IS-2006 Interactive Systems, Design Specification and Verification (Co-chair with Ann Blandford)
- Pervasive 2006 (Video Co-chair)
- CASCON Dublin Symposium – IBM Campus (Programme Committee member)
- FMIS 2006 – Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (Programme Committee member)
- DSVIS 2005 (Programme Committee member)
- EHCI-DSVIS 2004 (Programme Committee member)
- Reviewer for International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Interacting with Computers, IEEE Computer, IEEE Pervasive Computing, PerCom, IEEE Pervasive Services, ACM CSCW Conference, BCS HCI conference, Ubicomp, OzCHI, ECEASST, Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Service within College
- I am chair of the SCSS Research Ethics Committee (our ethics review board).
- Member of FEMS Ethics Committee.
- FEMS Faculty representative, TCD Web Governance Committee.
- I am research representative on the School Administration Committee.
- I was Postgraduate Demonstration Co-ordinator for a number of years, allocating and dealing with all labaratory and tutorial demonstrators and teaching assistants. I wrote an online system to streamline the process after taking over this job.
- I am on the steering committee for the IDS TILDA multimedia project, looking at disseminating the results of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the TILDA project.
Service for other Universities
- External Course Examiner, University College Cork, Ireland.
- External PhD examiner, University College London, UK.
- External PhD examiner, University of Newcastle, UK.
- External PhD examiner, Swansea University, UK.
- External PhD examiner, University of Glasgow, UK.
- External PhD examiner, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
- External selection committee (academic appointment), University College Cork.
- External member of PhD supervision panel, University College Galway.
- External M.Sc. examiner, University College Dublin.