Congratulations to Dr. Balaskas!

Congratulations are due to Andreas Balaskas who successfully passed his PhD viva in the School of Computer Science and Statistics, here at Trinity College Dublin.

His thesis is entitled “The design space of mobile mental health interventions for anxiety management”, and his work examines what these applications do, what they can do, and how they can be improved. Thanks to co-supervisors Prof. Anna Cox (UCL) and Dr. Stephen Schueller (UC Irvine) for their support throughout.

Andreas Balaskas with examiners Prof. Raymond Bond and Dr. Tim Savage

Thanks to external examiner Prof. Raymond Bond (Ulster), internal examiner Dr.… Read more

KTI Award

I was delighted to pick up the Commercialisation Impact award from Knowledge Transfer Ireland at the ceremony on 1st December, on behalf of SilverCloud Health and Trinity College Dublin. The award is a lovely recognition of the many years of research and development work that has gone into the development of the SilverCloud digital health platform.

Many thanks to Trinity Research and Innovation for the nomination and their support over the years, and to all those who have made the platform and company such a success.… Read more

Successful PhD viva examinations

Congratulations are due to Camille Nadal and Seán Cronin who successfully passed their PhD viva voce examinations last month, subject to the usual minor revisions.

Camille’s thesis is entitled “User Acceptance of Health and Mental Health Care Technologies”. Thanks to the external examiner – Prof. Stephanie Wilson, City, University of London, internal examiner Dr. David Lewis, and chair Prof. Declan O’Sullivan, and to external co-supervisor Prof. Corina Sas, University of Lancaster.… Read more

Best paper award – CHI 2022!

Congratulations to Camille Nadal and the team for winning a best paper award (top 1% of submissions) at the ACM CHI 2022 conference. CHI is the leading international venue for Human-Computer Interaction research, and this is a fantastic achievement. User acceptance is key for the successful uptake and use of health technologies, but is impacted by numerous factors not always easily accessible nor operationalised by designers in practice.

This work seeks to facilitate the application of acceptance theory in design practice through the Technology Acceptance (TAC) toolkit: a novel theory-based design tool and method.… Read more

Trinity Innovation – Founders Award

I was glad to celebrate the achievements of inventors and innovators across TCD last night at the Trinity Innovation Awards, where I was presented with an award for my work leading to the formation of SilverCloud Health, and role as co-founder. It has been a joy to see the incredible team at SilverCloud achieve global impact in the area of digital health over the last decade.

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Three papers accepted to ACM CHI’22

We are delighted to see three papers from the Health Technology Design Group at Trinity College Dublin accepted to the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – the premier venue for research in Human-Computer Interaction. The papers look at how we design for user acceptance (Nadal et al.), at user acceptance of digital COVID-19 certificates (Nurgalieva et al.), and at mechanisms for interacting with touchless medical imaging systems (Cronin et al.). Congratulations to everyone involved, and a particular thanks to our international collaborators on each of the papers.… Read more

Special Issue of IEEE Pervasive on Mobile and Pervasive Computing in Mental Health

We have released the Call for Papers for a special issue of IEEE Pervasive on mobile & pervasive computing in mental health. This special issue seeks to discuss novel approaches, opportunities, and challenges for developing effective, ethical, and trustworthy pervasive computing technology for mental health. 1st July deadline, abstracts 17 June. Ethical aspects should be considered in all submissions. Guest editors are Akane Sano (Rice University), Mirco Musolesi (University College London), Gavin Doherty (Trinity College Dublin), and Thomas Vaessen (KU Leuven).… Read more

Chairing ACM DSP

The ACM Distinguished Speaker Program allows organisers of events to request accomplished speakers in many aspects of computing, with financial support for travel coming from the ACM. It is particularly useful for ACM chapters, professsional meetups, and (not-for-profit) conferences. It is currently run under the ACM practitioners board. Having been on the committee for the last few years, and having run recruitment initiatives together with SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH, I’ve been asked to co-chair the commitee for a while. I have a number of ideas I would like to push, but if you have any feedback or suggestions on the program then let me know!… Read more

Microsoft Research Funded PhD on Conversational User Interfaces for Mental Health

Health self-report or self-monitoring activities, such as mood logging, are a central part of many treatments for mental health problems. It serves to help raise awareness of the person?s own feelings, daily activities and cognitive processes, and provides measures and recordings that offer information for independent action, or consultation with care providers. In addition to mood charting as a standalone activity, or an activity conducted between face-to-face therapy sessions, accurate reporting of mood is integral for wellbeing applications and technologies to function appropriately.… Read more

Back to CHI – 300,000 clients later!

At CHI 2012, we presented the first exploratory study, with 45 clients, of the SilverCloud platform for online interventions. Eight years, and over 300,000 clients later, we will be presenting two very different papers which increase our understanding of how iCBT works in practice at CHI2020. The first is a machine learning study based on analysis of 234,735 clinical supporter messages, in collaboration with researchers at Microsoft Research Cambridge (Prerna Chikersal, Danielle Belgrave and Anja Thieme), and the SilverCloud Health clinical team (A.… Read more

Reflections on Machine Learning and Mental Health

Together with collaborators Anja Thieme, Danielle Belgrave at Microsoft Research Cambridge, and Akane Sano at Rice University, we’ve written a short article for ACM interactions reflecting on the topics discussed at our workshop on Machine Learning in Mental Health at the ACII Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction in Cambridge in September. Thanks to all the speakers and participants! more

Meeting on Personalised Medicine

I was very happy to participate in the REA Cluster Event on Personalised Medicine at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III in Madrid on the 5th-6th November, on behalf of the AffecTech project. The meeting was organised by Laurence Marrama-Rakatoarivony. As well as hearing about the variety of innovative work being carried out across a number of Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN’s), a series of roundtable discussions between policy makers and researchers explored key topics relating to the future of personalised medicine.… Read more