Dr. David Lewis




Knowledge and Data Engineering Group

School of Computer Science and Statistics

Trinity College Dublin

College Green, Dublin 2


Tel: +353 (0) 896 2158

Email: dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie






I am a Research Lecturer in the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin. I moved to TCD in 2002 from University College London where I worked for 11 years as a Research Fellow in the Computer Science Department. From 1999 to 2001 I also worked part time as a Senior Consultant to UH Communication A/S, a Danish management platform vendor.


My research interests are in the Semantic Modelling and Policy-Based Management in self-managing networks, services and organisations. My research addresses the role of ontology-based semantics in the collaborative engineering and governance of autonomic pervasive communications systems. Specific research includes: Community Based Policy Management and Knowledge Based Networks

Current research projects include:

*      CTVR: Self Managed Networks: Self Managed Networks, Part of the Emerging Networks Strand of CTVR

*      MECON: Managed Extensible Control Plane for Knowledge-Based Networking

*      PUDECAS: Platform for User Centred Design and Evaluation of Context-Aware Adaptive Services

*      Tyndall NAP: Incorporating and validation sensor capabilities into a pervasive computing simulation tool

Full details of my research activities and publications can be found here.


Currently I am teaching Networked Applications on the MSc in Networks and Distributed Systems

I have previously taught courses on Internet Applications, Advanced Communications and Mobile Communications