Research Students
Current Ph.D. Students
- Hriday Nilesh Sanghvi: Minimizing non-recurring road traffic congestion using self-organizing techniques for connected and automated vehicles.
- Shaguna Gupta: Coordination of autonomous and conventional vehicles.
- Shi Yucheng: Hierarchical Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for System-wide Urban Traffic Optimization.
- Shreyas Setlur Arun: Cooperative Multi-Modal Journey Planning with Limited Transportation Capacity.
- Shubham Subhnil: Addressing Non-Markov Behaviour and Action Failure in Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Previous Ph.D. Students
- Dr. Alan Judge: Supporting Application-Consistent Distributed Shared Objects, 1996.
- Dr. Brendan Gowing: A Reflective Programming Model and Language for Dynamically Modifying Compiled Software, 1997.
- Dr. Sylvain Louboutin: A Reactive Approach to Comprehensive Global Garbage Detection, 1997.
- Dr. Karl O'Connell: System Support for Distributed Multi-User Virtual Worlds, 1997.
- Dr. Frank Siqueira: Quartz: A QoS Architecture for Open Systems, 1999.
- Dr. Tilman Schaefer: Supporting Meta-Types in a Compiled Reflective Programming Language, 2001.
- Dr. Raymond Cunningham: Time Bounded Medium Access Control for Ad Hoc Networks, 2003.
- Dr. Mads Haahr: Supporting Mobile Computing in Object-Oriented Middleware Architectures, 2003.
- Dr. René Meier: Event-Based Middleware for Collaborative Ad Hoc Applications, 2003.
- Dr. Barry Redmond: Supporting Unanticipated Dynamic Adaptation of Object-Oriented Software, 2003.
- Dr. Peter Haraszti: Towards Automatic and Dynamic Meta-Object Protocol Composition in a Compiled Reflective Programming Language, 2003.
- Dr. Greg Biegel: A Programming Model for Mobile, Context-Aware Applications, 2004.
- Dr. Jim Dowling: The Decentralised Coordination of Self-Adaptive Components for Autonomic Distributed Systems, 2004.
- Dr. John Keeney: Completely Unanticipated Dynamic Adaptation of Software, 2004.
- Dr. Donal Lafferty: Aspect-Based Properties, 2004.
- Dr. Peter Barron: Using Stigmergy to Co-ordinate Pervasive Computing Environments, 2005.
- Dr. Elizabeth Gray: A Trust-based Reputation Management System, 2006.
- Dr. Gregor Gaertner: Link Quality Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (with Dr. Eamonn.O'Nuallain), 2006.
- Dr. Colin Harris: Context-Aware Power Management, 2006.
- Dr. Barbara Hughes: Hard Real-Time Communication for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 2006.
- Dr. Stephen Farrell: A Delay and Disruption Tolerant Transport Layer Protocol, 2007.
- Dr. Mélanie Bouroche: Real-Time Coordination of Mobile Autonomous Entities, 2008.
- Dr. Ivana Dusparic: Multi-Policy Optimization in Decentralized Autonomic Systems, 2010.
- Dr. Marcin Karpinski: Synchronous Macro-Programming of Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks, 2009.
- Dr. Anthony Harrington: Model-Driven Engineering of Planning and Optimization Algorithms for Pervasive Computing Environments, 2010.
- Dr. Neil O’Connor: KAFCA: Knowledge Autonomy for Reactive Context-aware Applications, 2010.
- Dr. Joanna Muras: SMOOTH - A System for Mobility Training at Home for People with Parkinson’s Disease, 2010.
- Dr. As'ad Salkham: Decentralized Optimization of Fluctuating Urban Traffic Using Reinforcement Learning, 2010.
- Dr. Ashley Sterritt: Specification and Verification of Design Pattern Structure, Behaviour and Variation, 2012.
- Dr. Mong Leng Sin: A Systematic Approach to Safe Coordination of Dynamic Participants in Real-time Distributed Systems, 2013.
- Dr. Marco Slot: Group Communication for Cooperative Automated Vehicles, 2013.
- Dr. Shu Zhang: Real-Time Medium Access Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 2013.
- Dr. Jan Curn: Correlated Estimation Problems and the Ensemble Kalman Filter, 2014.
- Dr. Dan Marinescu: A Slot-based Approach to Optimise Freeway Traffic using Intelligent Vehicles, 2014.
- Dr. Mithileash Mohan: Using Trust for Environment Adaptive Model-based Energy Saving Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2015.
- Dr. Vincent Reynolds: PiCSE: A Framework for Simulation and Emulation of Pervasive Computing Appliations, 2015.
- Dr. Farrukh Mirza: Exploiting Unstable Paths in Urban-scale Wireless Sensor Networks, 2016.
Previous M.Sc. Students
- Joo Li Ooi: Access Control for an Object-Oriented Distributed Platform, 1993.
- Paul Taylor: Transactions for Amadeus, 1993.
- Christine Hogan: The Tigger Cub Nucleus, 1994.
- Colm McHugh: Supporting Distributed Programming in Eiffel, 1994.
- Darragh O'Grady: An Extensible, High-Performance, Distributed Persistent Store for Amadeus, 1994.
- Stephen McGerty: The Entity Editor - A Tool for Defining Entity Behaviour, 1996.
- Dan Crowley: DVRML: Extending VRML for Multi-User Virtual Reality, 1999.
- Darach Ennis: Darach Ennis: CORBA and XML Integration for Enterprise Applications, 2002.
- Andrew Edmonds: Investigating Automatic Optimisation of Legacy Middleware, 2004.
- Ronan O'Sullivan: An extensible Location Service using Vision as a Sensor, 2004.
- Guillermo Álvaro Rey: Implementation and Evaluation of XKMS Interoperability, 2005.
- Guojun Qin: Privacy-aware Mechanism for Location-based Social Networks, 2018.