
Prepare and submit a short technical reflection on one the topics listed below or select your own topic (subject to prior approval). Your technical reflection should address a concept, challenge or technology related to the Internet of Things. It must be supported by a review of relevant literature and/or small-scale experiments or implementations.

Your technical reflection should each be a maximum of five pages, including elements such as figures and references. It must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society double-column journal format. LaTeX and Word templates are available from the IEEE Computer Society website (i.e. the same format that you will use for your group project technical report).

Submit your technical reflection as a PDF document on Blackboard on or before 2 December 2018.

Important: Your attention is drawn to the College regulations on plagiarism, with which you should familiariase yourself. Plagiarism detection tools such as TurnItIn will be used for any coursework submitted for this module.

Sample Topics

  • Technology Hype and the The Internet of Things
  • Smart Electricity Metering: Technology, Rewards, Risks and Future
  • Harvesting Energy for Constrained Devices in the Internet of Things
  • The Thread Stack (
  • Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Networking - A Technical Overview
  • Low Power Wide Area Networking: Technology and Irish Context
  • Privacy for the Internet of Things

(Additional topics will be suggested during the semester.)