Sensors and Actuators

The following project components will be made available on an as-needed basis.

Description Part Number
Temperature Sensor DS18B20+
Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11 (DFR0067)
Photoresistor AdaFruit 161
Ultrasonic Rangefinder (Distance Sensor) HC-SR04 (SparkFun SEN-13959)
Moisture Sensor DFRobot SEN0114
Magnetic Sensor DFRobot SEN0033
Liquid Flow Sensor Seeed Studio 314150001
Solenoid Valve Adafruit 997
Relay (for valve) Seed Studio 103020010
Air Quality Sensor Seeed Studio 101020078
7 Segment Display TDSG5150-N
Force Sensor MF02-N-221-A01
PIR Motion Sensor OSEPP PIR-01

Other Miscellaneous Parts

Some small breadboards, jumper wires, and resistors (4.7kohm and 10kohm) will also be available.