Augmented reality exergames training for osteoporosis patients to improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength and engagement (bibtex)
by Thuilier, Eléa, Dingliana, John, Carey, John J., Dempsey, Mary, Biggins, Shane, Whelan, Bryan and Brennan, Attracta
Augmented reality exergames training for osteoporosis patients to improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength and engagement. Thuilier, Eléa, Dingliana, John, Carey, John J., Dempsey, Mary, Biggins, Shane, Whelan, Bryan and Brennan, Attracta. In World Congress in Virtual Rehabilitation - XR4Rehab Posters. 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Thuilier, El{\'e}a and Dingliana, John and Carey, John J. and Dempsey, Mary and Biggins, Shane and Whelan, Bryan and Brennan, Attracta},
  title     = {Augmented reality exergames training for osteoporosis patients to improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength and engagement},
  booktitle = {World Congress in Virtual Rehabilitation - XR4Rehab Posters},
  year      = {2024},
  address   = {Amsterdam Netherlands},
  month     = June,
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