Hardware Accelerated Broad Phase Collision Detection for Interactive Entertainment Applications (bibtex)
by Muiris Woulfe, John Dingliana, Michael Manzke
Hardware Accelerated Broad Phase Collision Detection for Interactive Entertainment Applications. Muiris Woulfe, John Dingliana, Michael Manzke. Irish Graduate Student Symposium on Vision, Graphics and Visualisation (VGV08). 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
  author       = {Muiris Woulfe, John Dingliana, Michael Manzke},
  title        = {Hardware Accelerated Broad Phase Collision Detection for Interactive Entertainment Applications},
  howpublished = {Irish Graduate Student Symposium on Vision, Graphics and Visualisation (VGV08)},
  year         = {2008},
  url          = {http://www.tara.tcd.ie/xmlui/bitstream/handle/2262/36006/vgv.pdf?sequence=1},
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