A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins (bibtex)
by Fabianowski, Bartosz, Fowler, Colin and Dingliana, John
A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins. Fabianowski, Bartosz, Fowler, Colin and Dingliana, John. In Eurographics 2009 - Short Papers (P. Alliez, M. Magnor, eds.). The Eurographics Association. 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Fabianowski, Bartosz and Fowler, Colin and Dingliana, John},
  title     = {{A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins}},
  booktitle = {Eurographics 2009 - Short Papers},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {P. Alliez and M. Magnor},
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
  doi       = {10.2312/egs.20091046},
  url       = {http://fabianowski.eu/research/eg2009.pdf},
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