Perceptual enhancement of two-level volume rendering (bibtex)
by Andrew Corcoran, Niall Redmond and John Dingliana
Perceptual enhancement of two-level volume rendering. Andrew Corcoran, Niall Redmond and John Dingliana. In Computers & Graphics. Pergamon Press. volume 34. 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Andrew Corcoran and Niall Redmond and John Dingliana},
  title     = {Perceptual enhancement of two-level volume rendering},
  journal   = {Computers \& Graphics},
  year      = {2010},
  volume    = {34},
  number    = {4},
  pages     = {388 - 397},
  issn      = {0097-8493},
  note      = {Procedural Methods in Computer Graphics Illustrative Visualization},
  doi       = {},
  keywords  = {Volume rendering, Non-photorealistic rendering, Visualisation},
  publisher = {Pergamon Press},
  url       = {},
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