Gaye Stephens

Contact Details


O Reilly Institute










Current Position

Currently I am a lecturer in the school of Computer Science and statistics. Along with Dr. Lucy Hederman and Prof. Mary Sharp, I am a member of the Centre for Health Informatics. I am also a member of the school's research ethics committee


I Lecture and supervise students on the MSc in Health Informatics and the MSc in Global Health. I also lecture PhD students on the SPHERE program. The main topics I lecture on are Introduction to Health Informatics, Information Modelling, Connected Health and Electronic Health Record Architectures.


Contribution to the Health Informatics Discipline

Currently I am an active member of the following organisations

Board Member of the board of Arthritis Ireland

Member of the e-Health Ireland ECOSYSTEM working group

Board Member of Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry

Member of the Council of Clinical Information Officers

Member of the OOCIO Design Authority/NSAI advisory group

Member of the Executive Committee of the Health Informatics Society of Ireland (HISI).

Member of the Health Informatics Society of Ireland Nursing and Midwifery group(HISINM).

Research Interests

In the perfect storm of increased connectivity, technology advancements, individual expectations and transformation of services, there is significant requirement for digital health information to be robust enough to satisfy expected, appropriate use and information governance criteria.  Current Research interests concern analysis and design of informed consent models and instruments for sharing information contained in Electronic Health Records (EHR). Ownership of the EHR, digital health literacy and patient engagement are all essential ingredients in designing appropriate and useful models and instruments that can be supported by and influence EHR system information architectures. Novel research dissemination and engagement processes are important as scalable EHR research is both interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and needs to consider legacy systems as well as nascent technologies embedded in the complex world of healthcare.