As part of the D-Real Centre for Research Training, we are looking for an exceptional candidate for a funded PhD position in the area of design for digital health. The supervision team includes myself, Dr. David Coyle at University College Dublin, and Prof. Corina Sas from the University of Lancaster. Applicants should have a strong background in human-computer interaction and an interest in designing interventions for mental health. Further details of the topic are below, apply at this link.
Beyond CBT: innovative exploration of digital support for psychological therapies
There has been a huge rise in the research and deployment of digital therapies in the area of mental health and mental wellbeing. Within existing research, there has been an understandable focus on digital support for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), due to the strong evidence base, it being widely used, and relatively structured, and hence amenable to digital support and delivery. However, CBT will not be suitable or effective for everyone, and there are many other evidence-based therapies available. Alternatives inspired from third wave therapeutic approaches such as compassion therapy, emotion-focused, or mindfulness-based therapy, go beyond the cognitive and behavioural aspects addressed in CBT, to support key emotional and bodily symptoms linked to emotional wellbeing and mental health. However, there has been limited work exploring how these newer types of interventions might be delivered or supported with digital technologies. This PhD project will focus on exploring alternative evidence-based therapies and how these could be digitally supported.