1998 |
Leith,D.J., Leithead,W.E. |
Gain-Scheduled Controller Design: An Analytic Framework Directly Incorporating Non-Equilibrium Plant Dynamics Int.J.Control, 70(2), pp249-269. DOI: 10.1080/002071798222398 [bibtex] |
1998 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead |
Towards a theory of local model networks and blended multiple model systems Proc. UKACC International Conference on Control '98. DOI: 10.1049/cp:19980281 [bibtex] |
1998 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead |
On incorporating non-equilibrium plant dynamics into gain-scheduling design Proc. UKACC International Conference on Control '98. DOI: 10.1049/cp:19980334 [bibtex] |
1998 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead. |
The importance of implementation issues in achieving control goals IEE Colloquium on Integrated Systems in Aerospace (Digest No: 1997/015). DOI: 10.1049/ic:19970112 [bibtex] |
1997 |
Leith,D.J., Leithead,W.E. |
Implementation of Wind Turbine Controllers Int.J.Control, 66(3), pp349-380. DOI: 10.1080/002071797224621 [bibtex] |
1997 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead |
Analysis of gain-scheduled and nonlinear systems by velocity-based linearisation families Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. DOI: 10.1109/cdc.1997.650660 [bibtex] |
1997 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead |
Equivalence of gain-scheduling and input-output linearisation for a class of commonly occurring plants Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. DOI: 10.1109/cdc.1997.650661 [bibtex] |
1997 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E |
Compensating for Plant Nonlinearities: Gain-Scheduling or Feedback Linearisation ? Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Control of Industrial Systems, Belfort, France [bibtex] |
1997 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E |
Dynamic Analysis of Gain-Scheduled Systems Using Velocity-Based Linearisation Families Proceedings of Workshop Multiple Model Approach to Modelling & Control, University of Trondheim, Norway [bibtex] |
1997 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E |
Evaluation of Discrete Actuators for the Regulation of Constant Speed HAWTs Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Dublin [bibtex] |
1996 |
Leith,D.J., Leithead,W.E. |
Appropriate Realisation of Gain-Scheduled Controllers with Application to Wind Turbine Regulation Int.J.Control, 65(2), pp223-248. DOI: 10.1080/00207179608921695 [bibtex] |
1996 |
Leith,D.J., Leithead,W.E. |
Performance Enhancement of Wind Turbine Power Regulation By Switched Linear Control Int.J.Control, 65(4), pp555-572. DOI: 10.1080/00207179608921710 [bibtex] |
1996 |
D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithead |
Can an appropriate gain-scheduling realisation enhance performance? Proc. UKACC International Conference on Control 96. DOI: 10.1049/cp:19960613 [bibtex] |
1996 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E., |
Enhanced Power Regulation of Constant Speed HAWTs by Appropriate Controller Implementation Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Goteborg [bibtex] |
1996 |
Leithead, W.E., Leith, D.J., Connor, B., Rogers, M.C.M |
Evaluation of the Options for Control Design of Constant Speed Wind Turbines Proceedings of the British Wind Energy Association Conference, Exeter [bibtex] |
1996 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E. |
Gain-Scheduling: Survey & New Results Proceedings of the EURACO workshop on ?Control of Nonlinear Systems: Theory & Applications?, Algarve [bibtex] |
1995 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E. |
Responding Directly to Peak Power Excursions in Pitch-Regulated HAWTs Proceedings of the British Wind Energy Association Conference, Warwick [bibtex] |
1995 |
Leithead, W.E., Rogers, M.C.M., Leith, D.J., Connor. B |
Progress in Control of Wind Turbines Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Rome [bibtex] |
1995 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E. |
Strongly Input Constrained Nonlinear Control of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Rome [bibtex] |
1995 |
Leithead, W.E., Rogers, M.C.M., Leith, D.J., Connor. B. |
Design of Wind Turbine Controllers Proceedings of the EURACO workshop on ?Recent Results in Robust & Adaptive Control, Florence [bibtex] |
1994 |
D.J.Leith |
Identification of the SA-330 Puma helicopter Proc IEE - Control Theory & Applications, 141(2), pp130-136. DOI: 10.1049/ip-cta:19949989 [bibtex] |
1994 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E. |
Benefits of Optimising the Controller with Wind Speed for a Constant Speed HAWT Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Thessaloniki [bibtex] |
1994 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E |
Application of Nonlinear Control to a HAWT Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Glasgow. DOI: 10.1109/cca.1994.381191 [bibtex] |
1994 |
Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E |
Comparison of Various Control Strategies for a Two-Bladed Wind Turbine Proceedings of the BWEA Conference, Stirling [bibtex] |
1993 |
D.J. Leith, D. J . Murray-Smith, R. Bradley |
Combination of data sets for system
identification Proc IEE - Control Theory & Applications, 140(1), pp11-18. DOI: 10.1049/ip-d.1993.0002 [bibtex] |
1993 |
Murray-Smith, D.J., Bradley, R., Leith, D.J |
Identifiability Analysis and Experimental Design for Simulation Model Validation Proceedings of the Eurosim Simulation Congress, Amsterdam [bibtex] |
1991 |
Leith, D.J., Murray-Smith, D.J., Bradley, R |
The Identification of Coupled Flapping/Inflow Models in Hover Proceedings of the 17th European Rotorcraft Forum, Berlin [bibtex] |
1989 |
Leith, D.J., Murray-Smith, D.J., |
Experience with Multi-Step Test Inputs for Helicopter Parameter Identification Vertica, 13(3), pp403-412 [bibtex] |
1988 |
Leith, D.J., Murray-Smith, D.J |
Experience with Multi-Step Test Inputs for Helicopter Parameter Identification Proceedings of the 14th European Rotorcraft Forum, Milan [bibtex] |