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Caroline Brophy, BSc, PhD, FTCD

Professor in Statistics

Head of Statistics and Information Systems


I am a Professor in Statistics in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. In this role, I lecture undergraduate and postgraduate statistics modules, supervise final year projects and taught MSc dissertations, and lead an interdisciplinary research team. I am currently serving as the Head of Statistics and Information Systems in the School.

My research interests center around developing non-standard statistical models for application in ecology, agriculture and environmental science. A major strand of my current research work is using novel statistical methods to model agricultural ecosystems with the goal of improving their sustainability.

I am currently the lead Coordinator of the Marie-Curie Doctoral Network LegumeLegacy Doctoral Network, funded by the European Commissions Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme. I am also a Director of LegacyNet, and a Funded Investigator with both the ADAPT and VistaMilk SFI Research Centres.