Professor Carl Vogel, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD, FTCD


Professor in Computational Linguistics

Director, Trinity Centre for Computing and Language Studies

Academic staff: School of Computer Science and Statistics

Affiliated academic staff: Center for Language and Communication Studies -- School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences


BSc (Honors) Loyola -- New Orleans, USA; MSc Simon Fraser University -- BC, CA; PhD University of Edinburgh -- UK


Loyola Presidential Scholar (1984-1988); Marshall Scholar (1991-1994); Fellow, Trinity College Dublin (2002-present), Visiting Professor Riga Technical University (2023)

Research Areas

Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science, etc. (more detail below and in linked publication lists)

Some Projects and papers

An incomplete list of papers (

A more complete list of papers.

Current preoccupations

Defamatory and toxic text analytics, with Caliber.

The MULTISIMO project on multimodal interaction. The EC counts this project among its success stories.

Steering committee for the shared reading of Ulysses over 80 days.

Investigator within the SFI Research Centre, CNGL and its successor, ADAPT.

A book on Internet Research Methods has been published by SAGE (written by Claire Hewson, Carl Vogel and Dianna Laurent).

In 2021, this book on Internet Research Methods (written by Claire Hewson, Carl Vogel and Dianna Laurent) and published by SAGE was translated into Chinese translated by Haijun Dong for the China Renmin University Press.

Member (founding Chair) of the (SCSS Research Ethics Committee).

Teaching in the new academic year starts on September 9, 2019.

Former preoccupations

Interim Head of School (2021), School of Computer Science and Statistics

Investigator within the FP7 project, Slandail.

Director of Research in the School of Computer Science and Statistics (2010-2012, 2012-2014, 2014-2015) for two full terms, and an extra half term beyond the two-term limit suggested by Trinity College governance guidelines, the exception made to ensure continuity among the SCSS directors, with the Director of Research position continuing for the first year of service of the then incoming Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning and Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning.

During my tenure as Director of Research for the School of Computer Science and Statistics (2010-2015), I served as Acting Head of School during the Annual Leave periods of the Head of School.

I served as Acting Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning in the School of Computer Science and Statistics (2008-2009).

I was Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the 19th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information

Collaboration inside CaraHealth, the new home of the Patient Journey Record project

Outlook analysis in health care with CaraHealth, the new home of the Patient Journey Record project on patient outlook analysis in health care, once located at the National Digital Research Centre.

Management Committee membership of WebDataNet, a COST Action (IS1004), which attends to eScience and collection and analysis of data via the web for the human sciences. Management Committee membership of TextLink -- Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe, a COST Action (IS1312), which addresses discourse relations.

WebDataNet has recently launched an MSc in WebDataMetrics -- see here:


Computational Linguistics Group

Trinity Centre for Computing and Language Studies, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.





Alternative Phones

(Westland Row (13.2.1), which houses part of the Computational Linguistics Group)
(Westland Row (13.2.2), which houses another part of the Computational Linguistics Group)
(Westland Row (13.2.7), which houses another part of the Computational Linguistics Group)

(The Trinity Centre for Computing and Language Studies)


various aspects of computational linguistics for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, research methods for masters students in computer science, and one-off lectures on research ethics for taught postgraduate students in the School of Computer Science and Statistics and in text classification studies for the MPhil in Digital Humanities.

Program Direction

After twelve years, I have stepped down as the course director for the four year undergraduate honors program the BA (Moderatorship) in Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language, effective 2012/2013.

I have also looked after TCD's provisions within the HEA Labour Market Activation program. One is called the Postgraduate Diploma in Computing with Advanced Interdisciplinary Outlook, and the other is called Computing (Conversion) with Interdisciplinary Outlook.

Supervision of Postgraduate Research Dissertations

PhD in Computational Linguistics MSc. by Research in Computational Linguistics MPhil in Linguistics and MPhil in Speech and Language Processing

Some Links

1CSLL2: October 11, 2006
Computational Linguistics Library
Emacs Manual
SICStus Prolog Manual

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Last Modified: May 20 07:42:49 2018 (vogel)

See also

See also

URL (School of Computer Science and Statistics):
URL (School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences):
URL (Trinity College Dublin):
URL (Trinity Access to Research Archive):