Irish VDM - VDM Open Session - FM'99, Toulouse -- 20th Sep. 1999

What is Irish VDM ?

VDM using classical constructive mathematics

main emphasis on models and functions

less emphasis on logics

more emphasis on abstract/pure mathemtics

not VDM-SL

The Irish VDM is a member of the VDM family, but is not compliant with the VDM-SL standard.

the Inspiration

from foreword to VDM'87 Proceedings [1]:

"Foundations: as with all formal methods, VDM's mathematical foundations must be sound and complete. By its very nature, which is essentially mathematical, VDM will contiue to evolve. There are open areas of research which need to be addressed. There are explicit relationships with other branches of mathematics that need to be elaborated."

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Irish VDM - VDM Open Session - FM'99, Toulouse -- 20th Sep. 1999