Dublin University Crest Computer Science Department, Trinity College Trinity College Crest

Workshop Title: Sentiment Analysis: Emotion, Metaphor, Ontology and Terminology (EMOT-08) 
Workshop Description

Sentiment analysis systems seek to extract emotions and feelings expressed about people, organisations, nation states, goods and services, in free natural language texts.  This interdisciplinary workshop will address three related topics:

1. How metaphor and sentiment interact in everyday communication;
2. Language/conceptual resources properties to support sentiment analysis
3. Evaluation of sentiment analysis programs and evaluation methodologies. 

This workshop will deal with the recent advances in the processing of sentiment in arbitrary collections of text. Sentiment can be expressed about works of art and literature, about the state of financial markets, about liking and disliking individuals, organisations, ideologies, and consumer goods. It is necessary to examine what aspects of emotional experience sentiment analysis aims to capture, how and in what way this may be evaluated. This workshop focuses on three strands of research which will serve to enhance the development of automated sentiment analysis systems of free text for real world applications.

Firstly, in psychology and computational linguistics, the notions of emotion and metaphor interact in a number of complex ways. It has been argued that conceptual metaphors underlie human understanding and processing of emotion. In addition, it can be argued that the expression of sentiment and its interpretation can rely critically on how a speaker or writer uses metaphor. Therefore, an understanding of how emotion is expressed and perceived in language is not complete without addressing the role of figurative language and metaphor as basic scaffolding or tool for modulating affective text content.

Secondly, to date, sentiment analysis typically deals with a specific domain of ideal objects. In order to build a sentiment analysis system, one has to understand "what there is" in a given domain, i.e. the ontology of the domain. In this context, is it possible to conceive of generic sentiment analysis? Practitioners in this area need to examine the requirements and challenges of an approach that could cross boundaries of domain or time or even language where different communities of use, languages or cultures may express or even experience sentiments in different ways.

Finally, work in sentiment analysis may be regarded as work in intelligent information retrieval and success is evaluated in terms of accuracy in identifying the affective content of information segments. Yet sentiment analysis has the potential to have a powerful impact in other domains that require input about emotional context. Researchers in Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing, Lexicography and Terminography, may become end-users of work in sentiment analysis and sentiment analysis folks may have much to learn from how a machine artificially endowed with emotions/sentiments behaves. It may become feasible to evaluate sentiment analysis systems in terms of the performance of such applications. An examination of alternative end-user systems and evaluation mechanisms can only serve to enrich the field of sentiment analysis and present new challenges for researchers to address.

Prof Sam Glucksberg will give the keynote lecture of the workshop entitled

Beyond Similarity: How Metaphors Create Categories.

Important Dates
20 February
5th March

Deadline for workshop papers
21st March
5th April
Notification of acceptance
4th April
10th April
Camera-ready papers due
27 May Workshop held at LREC 2008

Programme Committee:

Khurshid Ahmad, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Gerhard Budin, Zentrum fur Translationswissenschaft, Universitat Wien, Austria

Ann Devitt, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Sam Glucksberg, Princeton University, USA

Gerhard Heyer, Institut fur Informatik, Universitat Leipzig, Germany

Maria Teresa Musacchio, Universita di Padova, Italy

Margaret Rogers, University of Surrey, U.K.

Carl Vogel, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield, U.K.
Submission Details: Please submit your paper on the LREC paper Submission Site
or failing that please send your submission to kahmad@cs.tcd.ie

Authors are invited to submit full papers on original, unpublished work in the topic area of this workshop. Submissions should should not exceed 8 pages and should be typeset using a font size of 11 points. (Style files will be made available by LREC for the camera-ready versions of accepted papers.)

The reviewing of the papers will be blind and the papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Springer has expressed an interest in publishing selected papers from the workshop. We are in discussion and further details will be confirmed at a later date.

Papers should be submitted electronically, no later than February 20, 2008 5th March 2008. The only accepted format for submitted papers is Adobe PDF.

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Ann Devitt Last modified: Tues 6 Mar 18:53:00 2007